
Auditing financial statements in Da Nang - VietAustralia Auditing

Currently, our country's economy is developing day by day. The number of enterprises and companies is increasing, so the demand for related services also increases, especially in big cities across the country. Therefore, today, let's learn about Da Nang's financial statement audit service through the following article.

I. Overview of financial statement audit services in Da Nang


Financial statement audit service is considered an activity of collecting and verifying audited financial statements in order to check the accuracy, truthfulness and reasonableness of financial statements after one year of operation. business practice. Companies and businesses use this service to ensure transparency, meet business needs, and review whether their financial statements are consistent with pre-set standards and standards. that or not.


  • Verify the current financial position of the business.
  • Through financial inspection to get accurate and correct information to promptly detect and limit possible errors and frauds.
  • Assist the audit firm and the auditor in expressing an opinion that the financial statements can be made on a fair basis, in compliance with applicable law, and in good faith. or not .
  • Assurance to third parties (Financial information users such as banks, tax authorities, ..) about the financial information that they are provided with standard, truthfulness and reasonableness.

See more >>>>>>>>>>> financial statement audit services in TPHCM

financial statement audit services in da nang

II. Users of financial reporting services in Da Nang:

According to Clause 1, Article 37 of the Law on Independent Auditing 2011 stipulates that enterprises and organizations must audit annual financial statements, including:

  • Firstly, foreign-invested enterprises
  • Second, credit institutions are established and operate under the Law on Credit Institutions;
  • Third, financial institutions, insurance business enterprises, insurance brokerage enterprises;
  • Quartets, public companies, issuers and securities trading organizations.

III. The process of performing audit services of financial statements in Da Nang - Vietnam Australia Auditing:

In any service, it must be carried out in a certain order and step by step to avoid omission and confusion. In the process of conducting audit of financial statements in Da Nang, we divide it into 3 basic steps, let's find out the characteristics of each specific step:

Step 1: Make an audit plan for the business.

In this step, the auditors will prepare a plan to assess and predict the possible risks and take measures to reduce the predicted risks.

Step 2: Conduct the audit

In this process, the auditor will apply different methods to each different object in order to collect more valuable and complete audit evidence. In order to give the most authentic opinions about the truthfulness and reasonableness of the information in the financial statements of the enterprise.

Summary, report and conclusion

Through the validation process in the previous steps, at this stage, the auditors will summarize the results, make the most objective conclusions and make a detailed report.

financial statement audit services in da nang

IV. Benefits of using financial reporting services in Da Nang:

  • Firstly, to provide businesses and users with the most accurate and truthful data.
  • Second, analyze and find errors in order to make timely adjustments to avoid future tax arrears or administrative fines, etc.
  • Third, consult and give suggestions in the most objective way to strengthen and control the internal system.
  • Fourth, review and analyze for businesses about the current financial situation, thereby offering the most suitable solutions for business leaders.
financial statement audit service in da nang

V. Reasons to choose financial statement audit service in Da Nang - Vietautralia Auditor:

With many years of experience in the field of auditing, we understand the difficulties that your business faces in the process of auditing financial statements. We provide financial statement audit services in Da Nang, a full package of financial statement audit services to create more favorable and easier conditions for businesses in annual audits. We promise that you will be really satisfied when using the company's services, because:

  • The team of accountants and auditors are experienced in the profession and have high professional certificates at prestigious universities.
  • Use the prestigious service, the highest quality with cheap, competitive cost.
  • Support and answer business questions during the use of our services as well as after completing our services.
  • Point out errors and gaps in the financial management of the business to minimize, limit and overcome unnecessary risks.
  • Bring to your business package services, incentives, quality and quick completion as committed in the contract.
  • Professional team of experts, quickly update the amendments and supplements to the tax and financial regulations for businesses.
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