
17 Sustainable Development Goals

According to the United Nations, sustainable development goals for the entire world include:

Goal 1. Eliminate Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere
End poverty everywhere. More than 700 million people, equivalent to nearly 10% of the world's population, still live in extreme poverty. They struggle to meet the most basic needs such as health, education, access to water and sanitation. born. Poverty will lead to a series of related consequences. The world economy is also stagnant. Therefore, poverty alleviation is extremely important.

Goal 2. Eradicate Hunger, Ensure Food Security and Improve Nutrition, and Develop Sustainable Agriculture.
Ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting agricultural development is the second goal. It is necessary to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all people of all ages. . Only when you are warm and full do you have health, so you can work and do many other things.

Goal 3. Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Happiness.

With this goal, it is necessary to pay attention to pregnant women and newborn children who are targeted for protection. The United Nations also aims to end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases. Liver diseases, water-related diseases and other infectious diseases are also planned to be eliminated by 2030.

Goal 4. Ensure Quality, Open, and Equitable Education and Enhance Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All.
A quality education is the foundation for improving people's lives and promoting sustainable development. Progress in education is increasing and is being made towards increasing access to education at all levels and increasing school enrollment rates, especially for women and girls.

Basic literacy skills have improved greatly, but bolder efforts are still needed to achieve the goal of universal education. For example, the world has achieved equality in primary education between girls and boys, but very few countries have achieved that goal at all levels of education.

Goal 5. Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls.
This is an object of concern, the goal is to end discrimination, violence, and bad practices against women and girls globally. Besides, women are equal in all social work, cared for and protected.

Goal 6. Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Improve Sanitation for All.
Water is extremely important in human life. Water accounts for 60-70% of our body's weight. Therefore, there is a need to ensure universal access to clean water and improved sanitation for all.

Goal 7. Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All.
Helping people with affordable, modern, and reliable energy services. Besides, it is strengthening international cooperation, expanding infrastructure and upgrading technology to provide modern and sustainable energy services to all energy source countries.

Goal 8. Promote Long-Term, Open and Sustainable Economic Growth, Full and Productive Employment and Good Jobs for All.
Nearly half of the world's population still lives on a standard of living equivalent to about $2 a day, and many people still have no jobs. Therefore, poverty reduction is extremely necessary and to do that, the economy must develop and have more jobs. Creating more quality jobs will remain a major challenge for most economies after 2015.

Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create conditions that allow people to have quality jobs, stimulating the economy while not harming the environment. Employment opportunities and decent working conditions are also required for the entire working-age population.

Goal 9. Build Strong Infrastructure, Promote Open and Sustainable Industrialization, and Encourage Innovation.
Develop solid, quality, reliable and sustainable infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on access reasonable and fair for everyone.

In addition, developing synchronous, quality, reliable and sustainable infrastructure in the world and promoting comprehensive and sustainable industrialization: Strengthening scientific research and upgrading technological capacity in industries in all countries... are given attention and proposed.

Goal 10. Reduce Inequality Within and Between Countries.
Inequality within each country and between countries leads to uneven development and causes many impacts on all aspects of life, society, economy, political security... Therefore, solving Inequality within each country and between countries is extremely important. By 2030, gradually achieve and maintain income growth

p is above the national average for the bottom 40% of the population.

Goal 11. Build Cities and Neighborhoods that are Open to All, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable.
Urban areas are the centers of economics, commerce, culture, science, productivity, social development, etc. Especially, urban areas are also the center of politics and economics in each country. However, the challenges of today's cities are huge: population, environment, society,...

Overcoming challenges and building sustainable cities and settlements helps develop and grow the economy, limit resource pollution and reduce pollution and poverty. By 2030, ensure access to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services for all, and upgrade slums

Goal 12. Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.
Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns helps achieve the overall development plan, reduces future economic, environmental and social costs, enhances economic competitiveness and reduces poverty

Goal 13. Take Urgent Measures to Combat Climate Change and Its Impacts.
Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It will disrupt national economies and affect people's lives, costs, communities and the world today and even more tomorrow. Therefore, environmental protection will be a priority for the next 15 years of the United Nations. This organization will deploy a series of emergency measures to respond to climate change and its impacts.

Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Besides preparing emergency measures to combat climate change and its impacts, conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development are also extremely important. important, especially in today's polluted sea situation.

Goal 15. Protect, Regenerate and Promote Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainable Management of Forest Resources, Combat Desertification, Combat Soil Erosion and Loss of Biodiversity.
Forests cover 30% of the Earth's surface, forests play a very important role in the world. However, in reality, deforestation due to human activities and climate change - is a major challenge to sustainable development and affects the lives of millions of people in the fight against poverty. Protecting, regenerating and encouraging sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable management of forest resources, combating desertification, soil erosion and loss of biodiversity are essential.

Goal 16. Promote Peaceful and Open Societies for Sustainable Development, Deliver Justice for All, and Build Effective, Accountable, and Open Institutions at All Levels.
Goal 17. Strengthen Implementation and Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Global partnerships are needed to mobilize, redirect and unlock the power to transform trillions of dollars of private resources to fund sustainable development goals.

Implement Sustainable Development in Businesses with These 17 Goals
Many people will wonder why businesses are responsible for these "macro" sustainable development goals. However, it is important to remember that people having a stable life, strong finances and a peaceful society are the foundation for the development of any industry.

If you dig deep, you will see that the above sustainable goals are not too far away from the development of the business. Leaders can completely develop policies that ensure the above goals, while also bringing benefits to the company, for example:

Build a fair salary and bonus regime for both men and women

Create brand image through volunteer work, donations, and sponsorship for disadvantaged communities

Innovate processes and improve products to limit carbon emissions to the environment

Prioritize the use of environmentally friendly materials in packaging

Invest in proper waste treatment measures, ensuring the surrounding living environment

Build a clear career path, promotion and benefits to motivate employees

Create a professional and fair environmental culture for employees,...

Develop lesson plans and training programs to improve staff capacity

And there are a series of other tasks to perform, it is important that businesses need to consider to propose and commit to a level of ESG implementation appropriate to the scale of the organization.

In addition, setting strategies and goals in each stage of implementing sustainable development for businesses is a must, avoiding following trends to carry out sporadic and half-hearted activities that are costly. , is not effective.

Viet Australia
Viet Australia Auditing Company is an independent auditing organization licensed and established in 2007 in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.